Monday, October 1, 2007

Salutations! Hi, my name is Micki Cain, or Miccaela , to my fourth graders I am Miss Micki.
I am from Littleton, Colorado, and went to College in Kent, Ohio, where my family now lives.
I met Krista and Chad through Young Life because my parents started it on this lil'island when I was lil' -haja.
Little did I know God would cross our paths again later. Graduating in Sociology and traveling Southern Europe after Bible College; then working in missions in Africa and Jamaica, I can see how God was preparing me for just this. God is such a master at deco-pajer!
I love these children and God decopajed our love when I met them last yr. I was guest speaking about Egypt, for their third grade unit on Africa. They still remember the songs I taught them and we still sing every day!
Right before the school yr started everyone was praying for a fourth grade teacher and God lead me to Krista last minute, but i am so blessed here in this visionary community. I will be married here in April to a Dominican man that teaches first grade at Jarabacoa Christian School, and we would love your prayers for this complex task we are assuming in and out of the class room!
In this lovely locoamotive and labratory of learning, this is what we are focusing on: In Geography we are learning all about South America, learning first how to read a map and find the rivers, captials, etc. We will do a huge focus on the amazon and natural resources later in the year. We have created a lot of neat songs to help them remember their material. We love the way God created melodies to make things stick!
In math we started with Geometry and we are really pulling for the memorization of the multipliction table. Then we are slowly moving into division. We had a great field trip to the Police Station discovering Math in the City. We asked the 'Coronel" what the death rate is in violence and car accidents. He told us about 2 p/mo. for each and then we multiplied it out and found that 48 people die in Jarabacoa each year from violence and car accidents. We are now looking to see how the birth rate compensates that. We found the number of prisoners Jarabacoa gets each year, and got a spontaneous tour of the jail cell, that really shocked them and we said God bless you to them, and talked about how to love them but not become one. That really brought numbers to life!
We play Sponge Bob monopoly on Fridays to figure out money; and the invertabrates we're studying in Science are in there too. I am very intent on showing the interconnectedness of all the subjects so that game is an answer to prayer!
Thinking like a scientist is our focus. Observing. Classifying. Record, Predict. and Conclude. We have a really cool song for that , and we got to share it with 5th grade. We've done some really cool experiments too. One with fish and taking their temprature and then again after ice was placed in their bowl. Then we found a worm's natural habitat by studying where they crawled to when put in sawdust, sand, dirt, and black soil.
The greatest part about this experiment was that the person who was to bring the worms didn't; so we had to dig and everyone was in super excited discovery mode looking in the wettest areas of the school and we were all listening to one another... wow.

So we're into vertabrates and invertabrates in the sea. Science seems to be our favorite class. English is all about learning how to write right now. We are in the middle of a Personal Narrative project where they are writting about "The Craziest Thing I've Ever Done'.
So we just finished the first writting project and I was congradulated for getting them through six drafts until they got it perfect. It is posted on the Library hall with the coolest pictures of the moral of the story... i.e. "don't put hot sauce in your eyes."
Along with weekly spelling, paragraph editing, and reading the "fouth grade nothing", they should be communicating on all sorts of levels before Christmas!
All in all we are getting to know each other better and discovering life together while we study Jesus every morning through Mathew. They love their memory verses which of course have songs to go along. For instance, here's our class pledge, (you may want to join us, it does wonders for the day): "I am a smart and valuble person.
I respect myself and I respect others.
My words and actions are kind and honest.
I accept only my best in all I do.
God loves me and made me special and I am proud to be me.
Jesus died for my mistakes and conquered death, so I will serve him with all my gifts and talents.
Thank you for caring. It means a lot.


Anonymous said...

I just enjoyed some coconut in honor of this blessed and wonderful blog. Love you, YOUR Geezjo

Anonymous said...

Did you write that amazing pledge? I love it. Love, Joy, Peace, the pow

Next Week | Fantastic Fourth

We will be entering our fourth grade expedition period. Our theme is the rainforest and we will be studying all about the Brazilian rainforest and all about interdependency: How the survival of the different species depends on the health of ecological systems that may be near or far away. Essential Question: Why can't one live without the other? Coming Soon to a window near you! look out for pictures of our terrarium!!